I'm feeling lazy right now and don't really want to write anything that involves constructing a paragraph, so here's a survey about 2010.
30 Q’s on 2010!!
1. What was the hardest part about the year 2010?
Leaving, moving around, finishing things. Lots of thing ended or just came to a close. Sorry to be so general.
2. Pick a song that encompasses spring 2010
The Rabbit, The Bat and The Reindeer by Dr. Dog
3. Describe your spring using words that start with the letter “N”
Nighttime, Nearby, Nearly, No More Qualitative Reasonign Class Please
3. Tell three quick funny stories that happened
a. One time, the sus house was still really dirty when it was time to check out of it and we had to clean it like twice more and that was embarassing!
b. One time, to avoid doing the dishes, an unnamed friend hid all the diry dishes in a laundry basket under his bed
c. One time, my mom came to Quito and she got really oxygen deprived from the lack of oxygen (obviously) and began giggling non stop and we yelled at her
4. When you were stressed, what did you do as an outlet?
Well, I tried and got better at doing exercise and certainly writing. But there is always the tried and true favorite of complaining, eating carbohydrates and taking a nap.
5. Did any of your beliefs change?
Lots, about my self, the world, politics, other people. Not so much spiritual stuff.
6. Who was the last person you kissed?
Thats my business
7. What food did you eat a lot of?
Applesauce, veggie bugers, chinese food, soup, french fries, salads.
8. Pick a song that encompasses summer 2010
Not contrived at all, but Chllin by Wale.
9. Describe your summer using words that start with the letter “E”
Excellent, Electricity (lackthereo), Empezando el blog, Evil Boss, Eventful, Eventual,
10. Did you develop any bad habits in 2010? Break any old ones?
Well the carb-and-nap routine got pretty strong. Stopped smoking those pesky monthly cigarettes, But started eating meat which I don;t like.
11. Look back. Describe a beautiful moment that happened this past year.
Oh man seeing ma and lester at the airport was pretty wonderful
12. Who is your best friend? Has it changed since last year?
Yes, it has. But I am very blessed with best friend all over the place and in differnet capacities. I've got my train-riding best friend, my skinny-dipping best friend, my spontaneity best friends, the people I come home to, the people I grew up with. The person I said goodbye to but still keep there at the top of my list.
13. Pick a song that encompasses fall 2010
You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go by Mr. Bob Dylan (the link is to a cover that's pretty different but quite nice)
14. Describe your fall using words that start with the letter “W”
Whaaaaat? Wired, Worried, Work, Worldy, Water, Waiting, Welcome, Wonderful
15. Tell three drunken stories (or just sum more funny stories)
Let's just do normal stories
a. One time, this lady was outside the house and pilar was like "Oh wow its my cousin Anita from Guayaquil, how unexpected! I have missed her so!" and let this lady in and made her coffee. But it was not Cousin Anita, it was a woman from the Eugenio Espejo mission asking if there were any disabled people in the house
b. One time, we made applesacue but convinced Brandon Bigler that it was shredded pork. The pork had come from a wild hog that was terrorizing Britta's yard and scaring her sister so her dad shot it. That was a total lie, but we just kept telling and he just kept asking.
c. One time, I wore my shirt inside out for a whole day of school and didn't realize it! How hilarious!
16. Name 5 things you’ve accomplished
a. Mucho Spañol
b. More independant
c. Awesome research paper
d. Yecuador
e. Better mental health
17. Name some things you regret
Not being able to stay up late, not taking more wild chances, not being more honest, taking Drawing
18. What was the saddest moment of 2010?
I've cried alot this year.
19. Favorite cereal!
This was the year that i discovered that I don't really like cerael that much. It's just not that good. But I guess good granola or shredded wheat or maybe rice krispies
20. Talk about your family.
Well, now I have two and I couldn't love either of them more. My mothers are both such nurturing, wonderful people who understand me so well. My USAmom is so strong and wonderful and has made me who I am. My Ecuamami understands me so much better than I could have hoped. And my ñaños? Angry, independant, brilliant people who I want to take with me everywhere. That might only be four people but its more than enough, an embarssment of riches, for me.
21. Did you take a vacation? Where did you go? Talk about it.
Well, I went to Ecuador, you know. I also went to Scientist's Cliffs with Eustice and Chicago and Up North with the fam. Pretty wonderful, beautiful places.
22. What was the nicest thing anybody has said to you this past year? Meanest?
Nicest: "Andrew Dombos 1:22am
if i had to describe you, i would say you're an charasmatic, thoughtful, empowered woman" Thanks bro!
Meanest? I think this.
23. Did you leave the country?
Yessir and I am so glad I did!
24. Pick a song that encompasses winter 2010
Regina Spektor's Carbon Monozide
25. Describe your winter using words that start with the letter “Y”
Yum, yearning, year, Yedlin, Nick, Yuk
26. What was your favorite song?
Overall? I think Strawberry Weed by the Caesars. Thanks, Daedal!
27. You have to write a biography about this past year for you, what is the title of the book?
Pasaje en la Mano
28. Talk about Hate in 2010
It was there, I tried to shut it down, that didn't work so well.
29. Talk about Love in 2010
More the "inward eye is the bliss of solitude" than the "honey lovey" kind but I'm glad that that happend.
30. Resolutions for next year?
Write bastante, get stronger, get a job, contribute to the universe in a postive manner, keep in touch, stay safe.