Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Seems Like Years Since

I wrote a blog entry. It's only been since Friday, that semi-lucid post from the library, but so much has happened. Friday was mostly spent at the physical therapists, which took two and a half hours. Here's how the time was spent:
2 pm. Arrive. Dra is not there, I take a nap on the couch in the waiting room. Receptionist looks at me like I am crazy.
2:45. Dra arrives, puts me in a different room with a wet towel/compress on my back. Says she'll be back in 10 minutes.
3:15. Towel is freezing cold. Dita goes to look for Dra, only to find her working on an other patient. Smooth move, Dra.
3:40. Dra comes in, gives Dita a blanket, tells her to take a nap. Nap time.
4:00. The actual 30 minutes of PT I came there for. Whatever, its cool.

I went home and napped and chilled out, went out with Celly and Alana and my cousin Monica. We ate schwarma and told lies to this guy that was trying to get with us. My name is Franchesca, I am 27, and I have a kid. My friend's names are Doris, Maria, and Something Else (Helga?).

One of the best days so far. My tio Malcolm (fellow K kid) came over, and he and I and Pilar went to this Hare Krishna vegan restaurant in the Centro Historico

whoops! my madre wants to use the internet! I'll finish this later!

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