Friday, June 24, 2011

not super interesting, just summer life

I almost hit a woman in the crosswalk today.

I cut fruit for sangria, I boiled beets for salad, I made peanut sauce and a yogurt dressing. I cut cucumbers into crudites. I watched Anis Mogjani endlessly (until it ended). LINK.

I ate at elevation burger and spent time with my neighbors, realizing I've lived my life paraleell, next to, so damn close, to thiers for years. And that people have always done that, lived close to people they have no real connection to before the cloesness started and they started understanding and forming opinons about each others lives. That's something really interesting.

Nap in the sun burnt airconditioning of ma's room. I fell asleep 45 seconds after I lay down and snored. According to reliable sources.

I saw Terry (link to shark blog) today, we ate caloric pot pie and watched TV. I bet its totally #trending but that show Wilfred is really weird. It's the first show to feature weed so prominantly, I think this means that it will soon be legalized.

As I was walking with him back from the house he was house sitting to the house were he lives, we heard this woman scream and yell "oh, please don't hurt me!" It's a nice residential neighborhood in Takoma Park, so it was quiet and abnormal. We listend, my keys between my fingers, his phone out to call 911. Two teenagers walked by, holding hands, smoking a j cooly. We talked about how we had heard someone yell soon, but they couldn;t do anything, doing drugs in public and all. And so we walked, and when a cop stopped us and asked if we had seen someone running with a purse we exhaled. Purses are worth less than the Girl-With-The-Dragon-Tattoo Sex-den-rapist-killer stuff we were both thinking.

As I got home, I slammed my knee into the coffee table and I'm pretty sure I'm out for the count. Thank you for ice packs and healing.

To look into further:

-jerrymandering in Florida

-what if you asked people to draw thier own district maps? What would that show you about people's understanding of geography? of neighborhoods?

-slam poetry

-me writing slam poetry

-Digital Voice Recorders (really look into this one, you need one for Ecuador)

-The TV show "Louie"

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