Thursday, August 5, 2010

Keep on Chuggin

Well, SOMEBODY has been not keeping up her blog very well! Tut tut.

To rectify. Its been almost great getting ready to go, now that we have passed the two-weeks mark, and are entering the single digits. I went to CVS and bought an unconscionable amount of toiletries, I opened a savings account, and gave away the first of many bags of "old crap once considered to be valuable/fashionable" to the thrift store.


Went to the Mac store in Bethesda to get my laptop a new disc drive, watched my mother convert as she picked up an ipad and turned it 90 degrees, back and forth, gasping at every rotation.

I went to a Bowie Baysox game with Jordan, and it was awesome. I love the Bowie Baysox, all of the three times I have seen them. The first time, I went with my summer camp and started crying. The second time was for a birthday party, maybe. And this time, big girl Dita made it all the way to the end of the 7th inning! I love those 7 dollar tickets! Also, they get some points for having a Rita's stand there, but all the flavors were nasty.

I made the best dinner ever on Tuesday. maybe Monday. Whatever. Anyway, it was tofu cubes rolled in a beaten egg and flour, fried, mixed with fried onions, sliced Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and steamed broccoli. Pour a lil teriyaki marinade over dat jaunt. No carbohydrates needed in this delicious and nutricious dinner! I am martha stewart! This was confirmed when I fried some bananas in brown sugar and butter for dessert.

Whenever I start typing "fried," I type "friend" instead. Dyslexia or a food obsession? You be the judge.

Hung out with Terry and took him to the pool, which he liked. Fed him "Chick'n grillers" veggie burgers, which he did not, with total good sense.

Walked into Mount Pleasant with Zak after the slurpies at 7-11 looked like diaherreah, searching for a frozen beverage. We made it into a Salvadorian restaurant advertising cheap horchata, egged on by a cute pubescent boy saying "this restaurant is great!" As soon as we entered, he ran to the main waitress and began refering to her as "mom." Nepotism in action.

Anyway, we were totally happy, until they told us they were out of horchata. We ordered pupusas, and then the juke box came on. so loud. we were yelling to hear across the table, and then the obese waitress in a shirt whose back was entirely black lace started dancing, and a guy came in trying to sell flowers. It only cost 5 dollars! I would definitely return.

Ate pron-equivalent cupcakes at Georgetown Cupcakes, oddly located in Bethesda. I will not make any comment about the new! reality show called "DC Cupcakes" featuring two nice-looking, 30-something sisters. Sisters! with cupcakes! Sounds like me and Celeste, except we were both in grade school and have food-baby stomachs full of icing and flour paste sticking out of our thrift store t-shirts. Not to dis Celeste, she is off enjoying nature and freedom with Quakers from the tri-state area.

I also did two important/emotional/actually interesting things that I think belong in another entry, because this is full of drivel, and also getting pretty long.

But as a little teaser, I'll tell you the name of the two events, which I will inevitable call the next entry:
-The PhoneBank Party
-The Free Clinic.

Doesn't my life sound scintillating?!?!?!

I'll be back, I promise,

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