Saturday, December 11, 2010

10th Week, Quito Style, Side of Fries

Well, its exam week here in Ecuador, which means I look forward to going to sleep at 9 pm, have huge carbohyrdate cravings and only want to wear soft pants. And the work, oh yeah, the work. Can all the people currently sitting in the Kalamazoo College library take a second and raise your hands the the ceiling, look towards the nearest computer and mutter "hallelulah"? That would make me really happy. Additionally, as you walk down Academy at 145 am and you have no fear of being mugged, can you say "praise be"? And as you only have THREE classes to do final projects for, can you say "damn, I have it good."? Also, you should really take advantage of the caf salad bar, you are gonna miss it when its not close by.

But enough W curve bullsnap, its time to actually write a blog entry...Oh wait. It's actually time to do 5 drawings of feet, 5 of hands, and a science project based heavily on the movie Avatar. I kid you not, Avatar.

So I'll get back to this woefully negelected blog once my bedtime moves past sunset. My b, peeps. My b also for that terrible slang I just used.

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