Monday, December 20, 2010

500 Years of Solitude

You probably could have read that entire book since I last updated this blog in any meaningful way. I weep for you, dear blog readers, without the antics of your dear dita and her long stories about linguistics, just as you must have wept for me as I took my finals. Actually, several of my classes were truly able to be classified as "a joke," but still, it was a lot of work.

I'm done now, and I have been since friday, actually. Its christmas time now (just like in the northern hemispere!) so thing's have been pretty busy. We decorated the house for christmas, which entailed setting out 5 different tableaux of things vaguely relating to christmas and closer relating to dolls. Ecuamadre has named each little scene. Here are thier names: The Rich People's Town, The Poor People's Town, The People Dancing Around The May Pole With A Clown, The Animals Going to Jesus, The Nativity Scene of Indigenous People, The Indigenous People, The Chirstmas Tree, and All The Left Over Figurines That Are On The Coffee Table. The cat has already broken four little figures and we all hate her now.

My host family also does something called a Novena for each of the days of advent (is it called Advent? I'm not so good with my religious terms). There are many (9?) siblings in the family, so each day they go to a different sibling's house, sing songs, prey, eat dessert and talk about Christmas. It's a really lovely tradition, everyone seems so happy. And I've learned Our Father and Hail Mary in Spañol.

The other really exciting news is that my family is coming today! Originally, until about 6 last night, I thouth they were coming on Tuesday, but no, it is today. I am going to get them at the airport at 7! I'm so excited to see my ma and Lester again, to show them all the wonderful places I have met, to watch them struggle with the altitude and bus routs just like I did, to hug them and eat good food and go to Baños!

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